Help ISF for Command Line translation

Command Line Screenshot

Help ISF for Command Line translation

Command Line Screenshot
Command Line Screenshot

The introduction to the command line, a work to promote Free Software
around the world. A translation work.

iShareFreedom, better known as isf started the arduous work of
translating the popular FSF command line introduction book and needs
your financial support to be able to continue his work.

Make a contribution to his work at the following Bitcoin address:

Get involved with this and other of his free software advocacy work at
his website:

Announcement to volunteers

Explaining our business model to newcomers and volunteers

First to be open and clear we should start with our organization model. We have been taken the organization model from BSD systems such as FreeBSD and OpenBSD. Therefore we have three main teams like : Core Team, Committers and Contributors. But we did not stop there and we make it better by becoming a community driven project. Each member has the same right to vote, to reject and to fork our system and our projects.

The rights of all our community members makes this easier:

  • To select Core Team members by elections
  • To become a committer by elections
  • To teach newcomers as in other words contributors by elections

Please see and it is told that :

Contributors are newcomers to our domain and subdomains so we want to take care of their skills and abilities, such as how they do useful things for public. We want to encourage committers and contributors to make their own services, communities and companies for the same reason to serve to the public.

We also keen to converge teams to become an agile organization.

What we offer to the Volunteers

We plan to give to volunteers a salary and cloud computing opportunities such as mail account, cloud storage, virtual and physical machines, training without cost(nominal cost).

But first is first. We have a tough way, to struggle to enter the market.

Our Business Model

We plan to serve with a subscription model including training, technical support and research and development per yearly, five years and ten years like we told in our Code of Conduct.

Salary options

We plan to give salaries for teams like :

  • Contributors will take around 2000 dollars
  • Committers will take around 5000 dollars
  • Core Team members will take around 10000 dollars per month.
Working Style

All our work is connected over the network and remote. So you can work anytime and anywhere as you wish. Therefore our main license is AGPLv3+.

happy hacking